Friday, June 11, 2010


Thank you!
Andrew Wirtz
Ph 646.319.7231

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

theatre seating YAY!

Okay so I won the bid on 500 theatre seats (good news)!!!!

Bad news (or possible bad news)
1) i have to drive to wilmington and unbolt them from their current location and haul them up. Thank goodness I have a good crew that will go with me.

2) this theatre has been closed up so the word is that they have "a little mold on the vinyl"....Now we will see what the true definiition of a "little mold" is?????? are they in fact usable with a bit of washing or are they totally destroyed......more news to follow on this.

However, seeing as I only paid $0.25 a piece for the seats and I can pick and choose which seats to unbolt I may get 200-300 good ones...???

Tuesday is trip day to Wilmington to pick them up.

Unofficial opening party

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wow! Where have I been?

Okay so it has been some time since I last posted on this blog and I do apologize. Has been somewhat of a whirlwind. However, we had our "unofficially official" opening at THE LODGE on Friday night. We had a group of friends in town for the memorial day weekend (approx. 25 or so). So, we took advantage of that and had a black tie gala at The Lodge. We began with a special screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show then segued into a local R&B band "As Is" and danced all night. I must say the band was kicking and the sound quality in this room is suberb!! This will definitely be a "listening room". the band toned down the amps to the lowest possible setting and it was dynomite. Will post pics and iphone video for all to see.

Minus AC in the building was a bit on the hot side and only compounded by the extended dancing we were our tuxedos and evening gowns.

Also, had a great conversation with electricians from north raleigh who came up and are going to see, based on codes, how best to rewire the building. And whether or not they can integrate the existing fuse panels (the old system) but updating it with safety bars and precautions. God wiling this will work and we don't have to completely replace with new boxes..

More exciting news is that I am bidding now on 400+ theatre seats at 25 cents per. they are in a theatre in NC that is being demolished and they have to go. They have high backs and are vinyl on top and cloth material. There may also be other theatre equipment to be had including 35mm projectors and platters, theatre screens and curtains. I will go down there this week..if bid successful to procure my lot. I have to unbolt seating myself and transport but for 25 cents per seat am happy to do it. Will post pictures soon of the seating.

YOGA ROOM A SUCCESS!! We had 3 straight days of yoga classes run by Brenda in the new Yoga room at the Lodge. we had 12 yogis in the class day one and 10 the 2nd and 5 the 3rd. (the diminishing #s were due to folks leaving enfield and heading back north after the weekend not due to weak backs and post drunken revelry!)

Have an architect from Tulane Architecture school coming up in June to draw up plans "as is" and proposed in order to prepare renovation plans.

Also, our 501c3 application has begun to apply for nonprofit status. Any board member potential yall know of....

stay tuned